Sunday, November 13, 2011


if you choose an answer to this question at random, what is the chance you will be correct?

A) 25%
B) 50%
C) 0%
D) 25%



  1. Assuming that this is not a multiple choice question, the limit of the probability that I answer correctly goes to zero as the amount of possibilities I consider goes to infinity.

  2. that's the thing though: it is a multiple choice question.

  3. Put my simpleton mind out of it's misery. What's the right answer? Is it B?

  4. i'm pretty sure that this is a logical fallacy.

    if you randomly select 25%, there are two ways (50% chance) to arrive at that. so the answer is actually 50%, but there is only a 25% chance of randomly answering 50%....thus it can't be that number.

    the correct answer, then, would be 0% (since it can't occur) but that is still presented as one of the four possible answers, meaning that if you wanted to say there is a 0% chance of answering correctly, you'd have a 25% chance of guessing it...which brings us back to the very beginning of this explanation....

    it just keeps going and going and going...
