Friday, November 4, 2011

A little background

will benefit this story. The Delta Propulsion Engineering group basically just has a bunch of cubicles in one part of the main floor of Building C (tower) of the Delta MSP campus. This means that if you really want to be "that guy" you can basically talk to anyone without leaving your chair just by raising your voice slightly. It also means you can hear everyone else's phone calls.
So there's this guy who's been a propulsion engineer for NWA/Delta for longer than I've been alive (It's true, I've seen log pages with his name on them from 1988 and older). We'll call him Paul. Paul has been more of a mentor to me as a young engineer than any of the other engineers have (though they've all been great).
So yesterday morning, Paul's phone rang. Nothing newsworthy there. But instead of saying, "Engineering, this is Paul,"
he answered with, "Charlie's Pizza."
So obviously he knew the person that was calling.
But what really amazed me was how long he and this person kept up that line of conversion.
"We're actually out of chicken right now, so we can't do the bbq chicken."
"So are we going with the credit card we have on record here, the American Express?"

It seriously went on for 5 minutes. This guy is awesome.

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