Wednesday, August 22, 2012

because this blog needs more music

i've been a huge passion pit fan for a long time.  the first time i heard this song (1st one below) i absolutely fell in love with it.

so i ventured into the unchartered territory of discovering, listening, and loving passion pit.  that led me to this song:

but man.  the music just keeps getting better.  i'll admit that i don't always keep up with when bands/artists drop new records.  so when pandora randomly stumbled upon this gem.  i just.  no words. lyrically the song is brilliant.  the hook at the beginning reeled me in.  then the chorus.  just too catchy.

hopefully you like this half as much as i do.

also: my semester has been awesome thus far.  i think it really is true what they say: the farther you go in education, the more you cater to your actual interests.  the more you focus on your actual interests, the more that you enjoy it.  i know it's kind of weird, but being paid to go to school to do stuff i love.  it actually makes school fun and enjoyable.  not to be a negative nancy, but three years ago if you had asked my opinion on that while at the u of m, i never would have written what i just did.  it's kind of funny to think how--in all actuality--we are still so young and have no idea what the future holds.  i couldn't even being to explain how much life has changed in the last 3 years.  i can only begin to guess how much more different it will be in 3 more years.

stay classy, blogosphere.

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