Saturday, September 3, 2011


if you go to the website you can basically have a chat with a computer.  a while ago a genius invented this in hopes of making machines better at understanding humans.  you can literally have conversations with computers about anything.  youtube is filled with videos of conversations that people have had.  the computer often strays away from the topic of conversation, but (as i have found) always has great insight.

also, for being a computer, it is surprisingly witty.  this is a snippet of a really good burn the computer had on me.

computer: i'm thinking a lot about iambic pentameter.

me: can you write me a poem?

computer: about what?

me: can you write me a poem about iambic pentameter in iambic pentameter?

computer: i cannot do that for there is far too much emotion involved.

me: how is a poem about iambic pentameter emotional?  how will you involve too much emotion??

computer: right...

i guess the computers win again.

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