Tuesday, May 10, 2011

uno dos tres cuatro give me some more

i love storms.

the last few nights have been pretty intense.  sunday night was filled with non-stop lightning for about 3 hours.  last night west fargo had 1-inch hail.  at my apartment we probably got pea-sized hail for all of 2 minutes.  it's weird how weather works, but i'm pretty sure that nowhere else in the immediate area got any hail.  either way, i had my windows open last night and it's always sweet to just hear a storm while you're fast asleep.

so there is this guy at my work.  we'll call him "frank."  anyway, frank works in IT and is your stereotypical nerd. he's probably 28-years-old.  for some reason i find him to have a really great sense of humor and i just don't know why.

on my first day of work they introduced me to all of the employees.  when i met frank, our conversation consisted of "hi, nice to meet you."  nothing more, nothing less.

however, for some strange reason he likes to joke with me despite the fact that he really doesn't know me at all.

last week i got done with work and was leaving the office.  (when you walk towards the exit door you pass directly in front of his office.)

anyway, frank apparently knows that i am done with work everyday at 4:00.  so at 3:59 he filled up a cup of coffee, leaned against his office door, took a sip, and as i walked by he pretended to wipe away a tear and announced to the entire office (while pretend crying) "they grow up so fast!"

the next day i got off of work at 4:00.  yet again he was standing at his office door.  except this time he had one of my other bosses (we'll call her "jenny") there with him.  when i walked by, he put his arm around jenny and said, "we did such a good job raising him, didn't we??"  (sidebar: he and jenny are not in any type of a relationship).

then today was probably the funniest/awkwardest of all.  as i was walking past his office he got up, put his arm on my shoulder and said, "here's looking at you, kid" and then proceeded to wink, make a *tskk* sound, and give the stereotypical point-the-gun-and-shoot-whilst-winking gesture.

this is all so fun/strange considering i've probably said all of 3 words to him since i started working.

to conclude this post, i'm going to give you a beer recommendation.

one of my favorite beverages at JL is called saint andrea's fault.  the only problem: it costs $8 for a tall and $6 for a pint.  granted, it's delicious, but that's expensive---especially for fargo.  basically, the drink is supposed to consist of about 1/3 summit oatmeal stout, 1/3 whatever vanilla porter they have on tap, and 1/3 1919 root beer.  it's more or less dessert in a glass, and i highly recommend trying it if you're into mixed brews.

anyway, at $8 a tall my wallet started to get mad at me.  so i decided to test run the poor ahmed's version of such a drink.

i bought a 6 pack of breckenridge oatmeal stout
a 6 pack of deschute's black butte porter
and a 2 liter bottle of mug root beer.

after a little bit of experimentation, i have learned the key:  pour the root beer last.  keep the 1/3 proportion and you will love the flavor.  like i say, it's the perfect dessert beer....it basically tastes like sweet coffee and sweet chocolate.  hands down a great (and much cheaper) investment.

that's all for now...bockmed, i can't wait to see you in a few days.  good luck with finals, buddy.

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