Wednesday, December 15, 2010

RIP, bob feller

what a ridiculously good day.

this morning i had a meeting with my advisor regarding my thesis.  thus far i have completed the first three chapters and am diligently working on the fourth.  once the first four chapters are complete, i can take it to my committee and then begin fieldwork.  having the full proposal finished is kind of a big deal.

usually i meet my advisor one-on-one and we talk about the plans for the project.  however, today i came into his office and noticed two girls sitting next to him at his desk.

my advisor said, "andrew, i'd like to introduce you to these intelligent young ladies.  they will be your undergrad interns for the duration of your project."

seriously?  i couldn't believe it!  i literally have 2 interns working for me throughout the entire project.  basically, if i need them to find an article...they find it.  if i need them to write a section...they write it.

i've never had control like this before.  what is particularly useful is the fact that my advisor chose them specifically because of their specialties.  they are both seniors--one majoring in poly sci and the other in sociology--and they will work primarily in areas that i have the least expertise.  the poly sci major will focus on land acquisition law and eminent domain while the sociology major will focus on social capital impacts.  can you say easiest master's thesis ever?  needless to say, i was stoked to learn this new info this morning.  my thesis just got a whole lot easier.

in other news, a few months ago i bought tickets to the monday night bears/vikings game.  as all of us are now aware, the roof of the metrodome collapsed.  metrodome officials have said that it will not be repaired in time for the game on monday, so the game will now be played at TCF stadium.

while i think this is a great (and logical) move to keep it a home game, i don't understand how it will work logistically.  the metrodome holds 63,000+ fans.  TCF stadium holds 50,000 at full capacity.  what is going to happen to the other 13,000 fans?  thus far i have heard that officials within the vikings organization are trying to come up with the "most fair" way to determine which 13,000 fans don't get to go to the game.  how exactly will this be decided?  i certainly don't want to get screwed over!  but at the same time, i don't know how much fun it will be to attend a game in below-zero weather.  i can only imagine what will happen.

i think i will soon be headed back home for a few days of christmas break to spend with the family.  bockmed, i would love to go on a hot date with you if you are free.  otherwise...i simply cannot wait for december 28th.

until next time...keep the oven toasty.


  1. There is absolutely no shame in abusing your power. Have them always bring coffee whenever you meet, but ask for ridiculous substitutes like instead of cream or 2% ask for chocolate milk and then don't drink any when they bring it.

    There aren't that many legitimate chances in a person's life to be drunk with power so don't squander this.

  2. if you come for the monday night game, what are your lodging plans? I'm done with finals saturday but I don't plan to be in brainerd until tuesday night. And that is some sweet news about your thesis.
