Sunday, August 28, 2011

You can't say happiness without saying penis.

Tomorrow could be a lot of fun.
My genius boss (if I haven't ranted about him before, I'm sure I will some day) decided that in order to reach our employment goals (in order to do what we need to do with students that work 10 hrs a week during the school year, we need to hire a LOT more people), the best way to do that would be to just take every god damn applicant, hire them and bring them all in for a big orientation. Tomorrow is day 1 of orientation for about 40 students. To put that into perspective, on any given day this summer we had 15 to 25 students working. Somehow we expect to at least introduce every student to everything that we do in two days. It'll be chaotic. We will probably lose the attention of such a large group at some point or another. We expect 60 people to all eat lunch in the same half hour time period in our little break room. I just don't see what my boss expects to accomplish. The best part is that most of them won't actually start working for another month. They won't retain jack shit. Why not just hire a few students a week and gradually assimilate them as we approach the time we need them, rather than do this? Oh yeah, that would make sense. That's not how NOvA rolls. We don't do science, and we don't know how to organize a large institution.

Oh well, with any luck my interview for a co-op position on Thursday will go well and I won't be working there anymore.
The draft for my family's fantasy football league is tomorrow night. I smell a three-peat. Or maybe that's just the jalapeno-cheddar brats talking. I can't tell.

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