i'm mostly just procrastinating right now, but i would appreciate input if anyone has it.
within the last month or so, i received 2 different letters in the mail concerning my student loans.
the first letter came in mid february. it said, "dear student, your enrollment status has dropped below half-time. you will be required to start re-paying your student loans on june 16th, 2011."
then i got a second letter in early march. it said, "dear student, your enrollment status is exactly half-time. you will be required to start re-paying your student loans on june 16th, 2011."
now, neither of these statements are true. i am (and always have been) a full time grad student for 15 months now. i have been taking 6 credits per spring/summer/fall semester. (4 credits is considered full time in my program.) my expected graduation date is december of 2011.
anyway, i called the student loan service and after 15 minutes of talking to a computer and pressing buttons, i finally got in touch with a human. his name was something like "da'fon" or something along those terms. (forgive my fargo ignorance, but at least i could understand most of what he said."
me: "yeah i got this letter in the mail telling me that my enrollment status has changed...?"
da'fon: "let me look up your file."
me: "sure."
(a few minutes pass)
da'fon: "well, i have your file here, and you should be getting another letter in the mail soon updating your status to full-time."
me: "great! i was concerned that i was going to have to pay back loans starting in june...there's no way i could possibly do that!"
da'fon: "no, don't worry about it. we have your expected graduation date of december 2015...you won't have to start paying a thing back until june of 2016."
as much as i wanted to ask, "huh?" or "what?" or "what are you talking about 2015?" i just held my tongue and said my goodbyes.
so here is where i am confused. i know for a fact that on my FAFSA i put my expected graduation date (from my master's program) as december of 2011. so there is no reason why i would be graduating in 2015. is there a way that my advisor/head of the department could have already admitted me into the phd program and thus that info had already been sent to the student loan services? (but that scenario doesn't make any sense either. why wouldn't i know about this? how would that info already be in the hands of the student loans personnel?)
at this time, i'm not going to worry about it. but--hypothetically speaking--if i finish my master's in december of 2011 and then don't get into a phd program...the honest ahmed would come out and play. there is no way i could just sit on my loans for a few more years...i would definitely call back in and say, "actually, i graduated in december of 2011 and will have to start paying them back in june of 2012."
i just don't get why i would have to wait so long to pay them back...anyone know? do grad students get a longer time to pay back loans? (i really doubt it...but i haven't investigated into it at all.) your input is greatly appreciated (although, by all likelihood, there was just a simple error made...nothing more, nothing less).
one last thing: bockmed may or may not be making an appearance in my apartment this weekend. i'll keep you posted...but if he does come...i assure you some video blogging updates live from a flooded apartment complex. take care world.
Wednesday, March 30, 2011
Saturday, March 26, 2011
the morning after
so i woke up at 4:46 am with contacts glued to my eyeballs, tabasco sauce on my breath, and my laptop sitting open on my lap with 30 rock playing on loop. (does that last part ring a bell?)
it was a pretty good night.
to make the long story short, tom and i first went to monte's around 10 pm. slowly but surely we were joined by jarod, stiche, jeff, shannon, nathan, and nick. i had only consumed about 3 beverages and was feeling just fine--there was no buzz going on whatsoever. i had also bought a round for tom and nick, and was suddenly overcome with nostalgia.
chad (bartender): "another one?"
me: "i think i want a jameson, ginger ale, and tabasco."
tom: "no you don't."
chad: "a what?"
me: "chad, chad, chad....one night i came here absolutely obliterated and asked you to surprise me with a drink. so you gave me a jameson, ginger ale, and tabasco."
chad: "no didn't."
me and tom day simultaneously: "yes you did!"
chad: "wow, i must have really been an ass that night!"
chad then proceeded to pour a drink that was about 40% tabasco, 59% jameson, and a splash of ginger ale.
it basically tasted like spicy pickles. it was something i will probably never do again.
after that i needed something to get the horrible burn/taste off of my tongue. so i had a number of other drinks. and then later we asked for our tab.
grand total: $23.75.
me: "ummm, i think the alcohol is making me honest, but you're missing about 6 drinks here."
john (bartender): "what's that?"
me: "on my tab i'm missing like 2 anchors, a bud light, an old fashioned, and that lovely tabasco drink."
john: "yeeeeah....we felt kind of bad that we apparently did that to you last time...so anything that is missing is on us."
hahahaha. what an evening.
it was a pretty good night.
to make the long story short, tom and i first went to monte's around 10 pm. slowly but surely we were joined by jarod, stiche, jeff, shannon, nathan, and nick. i had only consumed about 3 beverages and was feeling just fine--there was no buzz going on whatsoever. i had also bought a round for tom and nick, and was suddenly overcome with nostalgia.
chad (bartender): "another one?"
me: "i think i want a jameson, ginger ale, and tabasco."
tom: "no you don't."
chad: "a what?"
me: "chad, chad, chad....one night i came here absolutely obliterated and asked you to surprise me with a drink. so you gave me a jameson, ginger ale, and tabasco."
chad: "no didn't."
me and tom day simultaneously: "yes you did!"
chad: "wow, i must have really been an ass that night!"
chad then proceeded to pour a drink that was about 40% tabasco, 59% jameson, and a splash of ginger ale.
it basically tasted like spicy pickles. it was something i will probably never do again.
after that i needed something to get the horrible burn/taste off of my tongue. so i had a number of other drinks. and then later we asked for our tab.
grand total: $23.75.
me: "ummm, i think the alcohol is making me honest, but you're missing about 6 drinks here."
john (bartender): "what's that?"
me: "on my tab i'm missing like 2 anchors, a bud light, an old fashioned, and that lovely tabasco drink."
john: "yeeeeah....we felt kind of bad that we apparently did that to you last time...so anything that is missing is on us."
hahahaha. what an evening.
Monday, March 21, 2011
pre-blizzard prep
between watching the news and reading the newspaper, i've learned that starting tuesday afternoon through wednesday evening, we are expected to get 17 inches of snow.
but not just any kind of snow. the type that falls between 30 and 35 degree weather. so, basically, we're going to get a combination of snow, sleet, rain, and ice. this sounds glorious.
i decided to run a few errands tonight because i don't want to touch the roads tomorrow. (and by "errands" i mean i went to one destination.) my fridge is now stockpiled with 3 40s, too many bombers, and plenty of coke to get through the toughest of conditions.
i just hope school is canceled so i can enjoy it.
the real reason for posting is because i would like someone to explain the season 3 finale of dexter to me. (note: i haven't watched anything beyond the season 3 finale...so if this gets explained/resolved in future episodes, please don't ruin it for me.)
but why...when dexter gets kidnapped by the skinner...does he leave the crime scene? (i'm referring to the part where he wakes up tied to the table, the skinner is eye-ing him up, and then dexter decides to flip the table, breaks his wrist, proceeds to get out of the tied-up position, and kills the skinner.)
why did he then have to throw the skinner from the top floor onto the cop car? why did he also have to sneak out of the building immediately upon arrival of cops? wasn't it perfectly logical that the skinner (who had been going after everyone related to the prado murder) would also target dexter given his relationship with miguel prado? couldn't dexter have explained that the skinner went after him, but he escaped and killed the guy in self-defense?
this was something i was really confused about. maybe i really missed something, but it made no sense to me that he had to flee the crime scene.
i look forward to waking up to a blizzard. take care dear blogosphere.
ps: are you brackets as screwed as mine?
pps: thank you, stiche-master-flex, for introducing me to the tallest man on earth. my life will never be the same.
but not just any kind of snow. the type that falls between 30 and 35 degree weather. so, basically, we're going to get a combination of snow, sleet, rain, and ice. this sounds glorious.
i decided to run a few errands tonight because i don't want to touch the roads tomorrow. (and by "errands" i mean i went to one destination.) my fridge is now stockpiled with 3 40s, too many bombers, and plenty of coke to get through the toughest of conditions.
i just hope school is canceled so i can enjoy it.
the real reason for posting is because i would like someone to explain the season 3 finale of dexter to me. (note: i haven't watched anything beyond the season 3 finale...so if this gets explained/resolved in future episodes, please don't ruin it for me.)
but why...when dexter gets kidnapped by the skinner...does he leave the crime scene? (i'm referring to the part where he wakes up tied to the table, the skinner is eye-ing him up, and then dexter decides to flip the table, breaks his wrist, proceeds to get out of the tied-up position, and kills the skinner.)
why did he then have to throw the skinner from the top floor onto the cop car? why did he also have to sneak out of the building immediately upon arrival of cops? wasn't it perfectly logical that the skinner (who had been going after everyone related to the prado murder) would also target dexter given his relationship with miguel prado? couldn't dexter have explained that the skinner went after him, but he escaped and killed the guy in self-defense?
this was something i was really confused about. maybe i really missed something, but it made no sense to me that he had to flee the crime scene.
i look forward to waking up to a blizzard. take care dear blogosphere.
ps: are you brackets as screwed as mine?
pps: thank you, stiche-master-flex, for introducing me to the tallest man on earth. my life will never be the same.
Sunday, March 20, 2011
The Bun to Our Rebecca Black
Spring break is over. This fact kind of sucks if you ask me.
Yeah, so it turns out I don't really have a lot to say today. I suppose I'll try to get back into work mode today. But before that...
I really don't know what to make of this "Friday" meme/phenomenon. If that was a legitimate attempt at making music 1) She hit it big, and 2) I hope she realizes that people think she sucks.
But honestly, part of me thinks that her and all her friends and her manager are just trolling us.
"Which seat can I take?" "Tomorrow is Saturday, and Sunday comes afterward?" Seriously?
Anyway, here's the unplugged version from GMA (I believe).
Yeah, so it turns out I don't really have a lot to say today. I suppose I'll try to get back into work mode today. But before that...
I really don't know what to make of this "Friday" meme/phenomenon. If that was a legitimate attempt at making music 1) She hit it big, and 2) I hope she realizes that people think she sucks.
But honestly, part of me thinks that her and all her friends and her manager are just trolling us.
"Which seat can I take?" "Tomorrow is Saturday, and Sunday comes afterward?" Seriously?
Anyway, here's the unplugged version from GMA (I believe).
Tuesday, March 15, 2011
Sunday, March 13, 2011
study break.
please allow me to introduce you to the most lyrically impressive song in the world.
Wednesday, March 9, 2011
Old School Tinikling
For whatever reason (read: I have a lab report due Friday), I found myself thinking back to early elementary school, particularly P.E. class. I think this country is raising a bunch of goddamn pussies today. Man, back in my day we did (the very basics of) this shit:
Schools weren't afraid of some bruised ankles or a bloody nose back then. We had one of these on our playground and kids would drop from the top and do backflips.

The monkey bars were metal and there was no fence between the gigantic playground and the small patch of woods where predators could easily lurk and kids could easily escape/get lost. I even kicked a kid in the balls once because he was bullying my friend and didn't get into any trouble. I hope Central Elementary (Norwood Young America, Mn) is still doing things right, but something tells me our soft society has gotten to them, too. I know the big bubble is definitely gone. I'm glad my childhood was in the 90s, because I don't think gym class would have been the same without some 60-year-old hardass yelling at 7-year-old kids while they clumsily try to avoid getting their shins clamped between some solid wooden rods.
Schools weren't afraid of some bruised ankles or a bloody nose back then. We had one of these on our playground and kids would drop from the top and do backflips.
The monkey bars were metal and there was no fence between the gigantic playground and the small patch of woods where predators could easily lurk and kids could easily escape/get lost. I even kicked a kid in the balls once because he was bullying my friend and didn't get into any trouble. I hope Central Elementary (Norwood Young America, Mn) is still doing things right, but something tells me our soft society has gotten to them, too. I know the big bubble is definitely gone. I'm glad my childhood was in the 90s, because I don't think gym class would have been the same without some 60-year-old hardass yelling at 7-year-old kids while they clumsily try to avoid getting their shins clamped between some solid wooden rods.
Tuesday, March 8, 2011
if it's blood you want
i'm pretty sure that i am the last person on earth to start watching the show dexter.
i had seen a few episodes here and there, but never really got hooked. honestly, i hadn't watch an episode since the beginning of season 2 when bockmed started talking to me about it. he insisted that it was a brilliantly written show and one well worth watching.
his sentiment was reaffirmed by a few of my buddies at our casino trip.
as all luck should have it, one of our good buddies brought his external hard drive to the casino. on it, he had all 5 seasons of dexter. he asked if i wanted to look through his hard drive to see if i wanted to copy anything to my desktop...naturally, the boys gave two big thumbs up for dexter. so i copied all 5 seasons onto my computer.
since then, i'm proud to say that i have finished the entire first 2 seasons of dexter. (what can i say, i have no life.)
here are my thoughts.
i think the show is well written. the characters are complex, there are twists that you don't easily see coming, and the overall plot is pretty sweet. i have to honestly say: if there were a real-life dexter--someone who actually killed murderers/the scum of the earth--i would probably support him/her. (i suppose i should put an asterisk next to that comment: i'd only support him/her if the murderer got off completely free via some loophole in the justice system...if they served their time, i don't think it would be "just" to still murder them.)
anyway, i'm starting to digress. the point i'm trying to make: it's hard not to support someone who tries to take care of their addiction in a socially beneficial way. this is especially true given the fact that i LOVE vengeance. i hate shows where the villain/evil person always escapes appropriate punishment. thus, the work of dexter = something for me to cheer about.
that being said. i reaaalllllllyy hate shows where the main character avoids getting into trouble by tampering with evidence. i think it's somewhat of a cop-out for the writers.
writer #1: "how do we make the main character escape trouble so that we can get re-signed for another season?"
writer #2: "an alien could kill anyone with evidence against him."
writer #1: "i don't think that would ever happen in real life."
writer #2: "a natural disaster could destroy all of the evidence against him."
writer #1: "i got my degree from an ivy league school, not a community college..."
writer #2: "we could just have him tamper with the evidence."
writer #1: "YES! why didn't i think of that before?"
now...i know i can't judge a book by its cover (especially since i've only "read" two seasons of said book) but seriously. first he cleaned his boat....then he destroyed the video tape...then he cleaned all of the fingerprints off of the samples....then he took the GPS from evidence after the doakes explosion....
i just think it's lazy writing.
now. ALLLLLL of that being said. i've spoken with some good friends here in fargo who are dexter addicts. and they all have assured me that the first 2 seasons are basically meant to set up dexter as a deranged psychopath who has an insatiable need to kill/see blood. they have all told me that the upcoming seasons are even better.
so. for that fact, i think i will continue to watch. but if i see more evidence tampering...i'm just going to shake my head in disappointment.
it's time to crack open a cold one. after all, i'm on spring break.
let season 3 begin...now.
i had seen a few episodes here and there, but never really got hooked. honestly, i hadn't watch an episode since the beginning of season 2 when bockmed started talking to me about it. he insisted that it was a brilliantly written show and one well worth watching.
his sentiment was reaffirmed by a few of my buddies at our casino trip.
as all luck should have it, one of our good buddies brought his external hard drive to the casino. on it, he had all 5 seasons of dexter. he asked if i wanted to look through his hard drive to see if i wanted to copy anything to my desktop...naturally, the boys gave two big thumbs up for dexter. so i copied all 5 seasons onto my computer.
since then, i'm proud to say that i have finished the entire first 2 seasons of dexter. (what can i say, i have no life.)
here are my thoughts.
i think the show is well written. the characters are complex, there are twists that you don't easily see coming, and the overall plot is pretty sweet. i have to honestly say: if there were a real-life dexter--someone who actually killed murderers/the scum of the earth--i would probably support him/her. (i suppose i should put an asterisk next to that comment: i'd only support him/her if the murderer got off completely free via some loophole in the justice system...if they served their time, i don't think it would be "just" to still murder them.)
anyway, i'm starting to digress. the point i'm trying to make: it's hard not to support someone who tries to take care of their addiction in a socially beneficial way. this is especially true given the fact that i LOVE vengeance. i hate shows where the villain/evil person always escapes appropriate punishment. thus, the work of dexter = something for me to cheer about.
that being said. i reaaalllllllyy hate shows where the main character avoids getting into trouble by tampering with evidence. i think it's somewhat of a cop-out for the writers.
writer #1: "how do we make the main character escape trouble so that we can get re-signed for another season?"
writer #2: "an alien could kill anyone with evidence against him."
writer #1: "i don't think that would ever happen in real life."
writer #2: "a natural disaster could destroy all of the evidence against him."
writer #1: "i got my degree from an ivy league school, not a community college..."
writer #2: "we could just have him tamper with the evidence."
writer #1: "YES! why didn't i think of that before?"
now...i know i can't judge a book by its cover (especially since i've only "read" two seasons of said book) but seriously. first he cleaned his boat....then he destroyed the video tape...then he cleaned all of the fingerprints off of the samples....then he took the GPS from evidence after the doakes explosion....
i just think it's lazy writing.
now. ALLLLLL of that being said. i've spoken with some good friends here in fargo who are dexter addicts. and they all have assured me that the first 2 seasons are basically meant to set up dexter as a deranged psychopath who has an insatiable need to kill/see blood. they have all told me that the upcoming seasons are even better.
so. for that fact, i think i will continue to watch. but if i see more evidence tampering...i'm just going to shake my head in disappointment.
it's time to crack open a cold one. after all, i'm on spring break.
let season 3 begin...now.
Monday, March 7, 2011
1/16th of an inch
hello blogosphere.
sorry for neglecting you lately, but i have been really busy.
about 10 day ago i took my thesis to committee and got it approved. we've narrowed down the focus of the project, but it will still be sweet nonetheless. right now my advisor and i are thinking "long term" and using the master's thesis to create a "protocol" that will then be used as a survey/questionnaire to be administered while i'm working on my phd. so far everything looks to be in place.
but i could care less about school right now. i'm technically on spring break, and it is an awesome feeling to know that i get a week to just relax and catch up.
i didn't want this post to turn into a post about school. instead, i realize that i failed to mention the shenanigans that went down at grand casino mille lacs.
what a great overnighter to catch up with some old buddies. i really needed that trip to just forget about the world, hang with friends, and get a ton of gambling in under my belt.
i wanted to share one story with the TBTOO faithful.
we went to grand casino on a friday night and spent the night in the hotel. fridays are easily the busiest day for the casino. so when we went to go play blackjack...well, the tables were pretty full. i got kind of tired of waiting for a spot to open up, so i meandered over to an interesting looking slot machine. it was the "hot shot wheel progressive" slot machine. basically, the machine had 5 reels. if you bet the max (which was $2 per spin) you had a chance to win the progressive jackpot...which was (when we were there) well over $20,000. i decided to put in $20 and bet the max. i just wanted to have at least 10 spins to see what happened.
aside from possibly winning the progressive jackpot, there was also a "bonus" round that you could win. the bonus was triggered by having at least 3 "hot shot 7" symbols in your reels.
once you go the 3 symbols, bonus reels would appear for each symbol. the reels would spin and you were basically guaranteed to win money. there was also a bonus within the bonus...if in one of your bonus reels you got a "wheel symbol" then you got to spin wheel at the top of the machine for a chance to win BIG bucks. (i'm attaching a video someone took of their "bonus" within the "bonus." the way i described it might be a bit confusing...but if you see it, you'll understand what i'm talking about.)
basically, the wheel was a lot like the wheel on the game show "wheel of fortune" except it was vertical rather than horizontal. whatever the arrow lined up with was the amount that you won. the wheel had various amounts on it. most of the amounts were between 500 and 3000, but there was also a 10,000, 20,000, 250,000, and a 1,000,000 amount. (keep in mind: these amounts are credits, not dollars. i was playing a penny machine, so the maximum on the wheel was 1,000,000 pennies, which is the equivalent of $10,000.)
anyway, after a few spins (as all luck should have it) i got the bonus round. my 3 reels won about $18, but i got no wheel symbols. nonetheless, i figured that it was house money, so i decided to keep betting the max in hopes of having the wheel spin bonus. after a number of spins, i was down to $4 and only had 2 max spins left. i bet the max...and got the bonus round. the first reel won $2. the second reel won $4. and the third reel...got the wheel bonus! (check the video to better understand.)
i looked up and noticed that the wheel was spinning! it spun super fast then gradually began to slow down. as it slowed, i couldn't help but notice the green section that represented 1,000,000 credits. as the 1,000,000 section passed the arrow, i noticed that the wheel still had a bit of speed. the 1,000,000 green section inched closer and closer to the arrow. suddenly i realized that i was going to be VERY close to winning the 1,000,000 credits. it inched closer and closer...until the green 1,000,000 section rested 1/16th of an inch away from the arrow.
i was literally 1/16th of an inch away from walking with a cool $10,000. no big deal. i still won $55 on the machine and just took the money to the blackjack table.
as a whole, the weekend was great. it was awesome to be reunited with the boys and be in the company of my closest friends. i sure hope that we all can still get together in the future...regardless of where our lives take us.
i promise, dear blog, that i will not neglect you. i know i'm the last person on earth to start watching dexter, but i plan to blog about the show in the very near future. i also have to discuss fantasy baseball, the NFL draft, and spring break. don't worry, blog. i'll be here for you from now on.
sorry for neglecting you lately, but i have been really busy.
about 10 day ago i took my thesis to committee and got it approved. we've narrowed down the focus of the project, but it will still be sweet nonetheless. right now my advisor and i are thinking "long term" and using the master's thesis to create a "protocol" that will then be used as a survey/questionnaire to be administered while i'm working on my phd. so far everything looks to be in place.
but i could care less about school right now. i'm technically on spring break, and it is an awesome feeling to know that i get a week to just relax and catch up.
i didn't want this post to turn into a post about school. instead, i realize that i failed to mention the shenanigans that went down at grand casino mille lacs.
what a great overnighter to catch up with some old buddies. i really needed that trip to just forget about the world, hang with friends, and get a ton of gambling in under my belt.
i wanted to share one story with the TBTOO faithful.
we went to grand casino on a friday night and spent the night in the hotel. fridays are easily the busiest day for the casino. so when we went to go play blackjack...well, the tables were pretty full. i got kind of tired of waiting for a spot to open up, so i meandered over to an interesting looking slot machine. it was the "hot shot wheel progressive" slot machine. basically, the machine had 5 reels. if you bet the max (which was $2 per spin) you had a chance to win the progressive jackpot...which was (when we were there) well over $20,000. i decided to put in $20 and bet the max. i just wanted to have at least 10 spins to see what happened.
aside from possibly winning the progressive jackpot, there was also a "bonus" round that you could win. the bonus was triggered by having at least 3 "hot shot 7" symbols in your reels.
once you go the 3 symbols, bonus reels would appear for each symbol. the reels would spin and you were basically guaranteed to win money. there was also a bonus within the bonus...if in one of your bonus reels you got a "wheel symbol" then you got to spin wheel at the top of the machine for a chance to win BIG bucks. (i'm attaching a video someone took of their "bonus" within the "bonus." the way i described it might be a bit confusing...but if you see it, you'll understand what i'm talking about.)
basically, the wheel was a lot like the wheel on the game show "wheel of fortune" except it was vertical rather than horizontal. whatever the arrow lined up with was the amount that you won. the wheel had various amounts on it. most of the amounts were between 500 and 3000, but there was also a 10,000, 20,000, 250,000, and a 1,000,000 amount. (keep in mind: these amounts are credits, not dollars. i was playing a penny machine, so the maximum on the wheel was 1,000,000 pennies, which is the equivalent of $10,000.)
anyway, after a few spins (as all luck should have it) i got the bonus round. my 3 reels won about $18, but i got no wheel symbols. nonetheless, i figured that it was house money, so i decided to keep betting the max in hopes of having the wheel spin bonus. after a number of spins, i was down to $4 and only had 2 max spins left. i bet the max...and got the bonus round. the first reel won $2. the second reel won $4. and the third reel...got the wheel bonus! (check the video to better understand.)
i looked up and noticed that the wheel was spinning! it spun super fast then gradually began to slow down. as it slowed, i couldn't help but notice the green section that represented 1,000,000 credits. as the 1,000,000 section passed the arrow, i noticed that the wheel still had a bit of speed. the 1,000,000 green section inched closer and closer to the arrow. suddenly i realized that i was going to be VERY close to winning the 1,000,000 credits. it inched closer and closer...until the green 1,000,000 section rested 1/16th of an inch away from the arrow.
i was literally 1/16th of an inch away from walking with a cool $10,000. no big deal. i still won $55 on the machine and just took the money to the blackjack table.
as a whole, the weekend was great. it was awesome to be reunited with the boys and be in the company of my closest friends. i sure hope that we all can still get together in the future...regardless of where our lives take us.
i promise, dear blog, that i will not neglect you. i know i'm the last person on earth to start watching dexter, but i plan to blog about the show in the very near future. i also have to discuss fantasy baseball, the NFL draft, and spring break. don't worry, blog. i'll be here for you from now on.
Wednesday, March 2, 2011
Blogging Like a Mad Man
I witnessed something amusing today.
Walking to class with a couple of friends, we were passed by a girl wearing high heels. Finding the "click clack"-ing annoying I said (after I thought she was sufficiently out of earshot), "I think high heels are kind of annoying."
My friend replied with, "Yeah, I'd like to hit her with a baseball bat."
She then looked back over her shoulder.
Walking to class with a couple of friends, we were passed by a girl wearing high heels. Finding the "click clack"-ing annoying I said (after I thought she was sufficiently out of earshot), "I think high heels are kind of annoying."
My friend replied with, "Yeah, I'd like to hit her with a baseball bat."
She then looked back over her shoulder.
Tuesday, March 1, 2011
Mana From the Heavens
As luck would have it, I'm pretty much done with all the homework I have that is due this week (It's Tuesday! How does this happen?). So here I am, sipping a Bigfoot (an American Barleywine from the good people at Sierra Nevada), and thinking, man, it is disappointing how many people are missing out on the complex, diverse, and delicious world of real beer. Right now, in my closet "cellar" I have some Abrasive and Bender from Surly, a Bock from Schell's, some Porter and IPA from Summit, some Bigfoot and Pale Ale from Sierra Nevada, some Hopslam (a double IPA) from Bell's, Noble Pils from Sam Adam's, a bottle of chocolate stout by Rogue and a couple bottles of Grain Belt left over from last weekend's shenanigans at the casino. I'm just saying, there's more to beer than the American adjunct lagers that everyone knows and tolerates (Coors, Miller, Bud, PBR). So next time you're at your local liquor store, browse the craft beer aisle and pick out something different and tasty.
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