Saturday, March 16, 2013

marital bliss

here's a nice story about the sociological approach to gender roles. feel free to pick a side at the conclusion of this story.

the other day i was at the grocery store picking up a few things for lunches for the week (and to re-stock on some stuff we were running low on). about half-way through my grocery shopping adventure, my phone started to vibrate. i took it out of my pocket and realized that my wife was calling  me.

ahmed: "hi hun."
wife: "hi. could you pick me up some brownies? i'd like to make brownies tonight."
ahmed: "sure, what kind?"
wife: "the good kind. just get the best brownies you can find, i want to go all out tonight."

with that, i proceeded to find the most expensive box of double fudge brownies the grocery store had to offer.

fast forward about 15 minutes. i arrive home, unload groceries, and begin putting them away in the fridge/cupboards. 

upon seeing that i am putting away the items i just purchased, my wife popped into the kitchen to help me unload everything. she was also on a mission: she wanted to unpack the brownies and begin baking them immediately. after a few seconds of rummaging through plastic bags, she unloaded the brownie box, took out a pan, and turned on the oven.

a few seconds later, i heard the following:

wife: "why did you buy low-fat brownies? is there something i should know?"

at this point, like all rationally thinking males in my position, you can imagine the plethora of four-letter-words roaming around in my head.

ahmed: "they were the most expensive box. i just assumed when you said you wanted to the good kind of brownies, you meant the most expensive."
wife: "no. when i say i want the good kind of brownies, i mean that i want the richest, fattest, worst-brownies-for-your-health possible. i absolutely cannot believe you bought me low-fat brownies!"

i then proceeded to reference our months of pre-marital counseling in order to assure her that - as we previously learned - men and women interpret tasks much differently from one another.

so blogosphere, what are your thoughts? if you were faced with the task of buying the "good kind" of brownies, would you look to price, fat content, fair-trade, organic, or some other variable?


  1. I would buy some betty crocker rich-ass double fudge brownies and be done with it.

  2. I would have bought the ingredients to make them from scratch and said, "I did this because I want to spend more time with you"
