Sunday, December 23, 2012

How I feel when people make stupid arguments in the wake of a tragedy

credit goes to reddit user TheMightyCoward


  1. Good point. This whole situation might end up getting really bad for the video game industry, but it should weather the storm.

    Not to change the subject, but have you found any good deals on games this holiday season? I'm not seeing a whole lot on Amazon or Steam that's really blowing me away. Bockmed, do you have any suggestions?

  2. Honestly, the Steam Holiday sale hasn't been blowing my mind either. My game backlog is big enough as it is. The last thing I bought was the Humble THQ bundle... 6 games including Saints Row 3 for $6. But that ship has sailed. Sorry I can't help you out, Stick. If Far Cry 3 went on sale, I'd totally pick that up, though. I wouldn't be surprised to see it for ~33% off or something. I got Skyrim last year on sale for like $20 off.

  3. That's pretty much where I'm at. I already had picked up Saints Row the Third a few months back and it is as crazy and over the top as everybody says it is. And yeah, i'm just biding my time until Far Cry 3 goes on sale.

    The sale lasts 17 days apparently so... There is still a pretty solid chance for some good deals.
